The Story of More by Hope Jahren Review

Title: The Story of More: How We Got to Climate Change and Where to Go From Here 
Author: Hope Jahren 
Age Group: Adult 
Genre: Nonfiction 
Series: Standalone 
Star Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars

I borrowed this book from my local library and reviewed it. 

Hope Jahren has been recently thrust into the environmental science spotlight with her debut, Lab Girl, though I’ve never read it. I was extremely curious when I read about this book in an article; indeed, I was so intrigued that I put it on hold at the library that very night. Since then, it’s sat at the top of my library stack, and I finally bit the bullet and read it. This book was sobering and informative, and though the topic made me uncomfortable, I’m so glad that I read it! Thoughtful, meticulously researched, and simple, I loved The Story of More! I’ve always been intrigued by climate change, and Jahren writes this short book in sections of five to ten pages, laying out facts and giving suggestions on what an individual can do to help save our planet. I loved it so much! Nonfiction is so hit and miss for me, but this book was engaging, laying out facts with an almost clinical precision. I loved it, and this book should be required reading for all American citizens! 

Hope Jahren leaves the lab and explains climate change in this little but powerful treatise of a book. As well as explaining how we got to this point in the Earth’s life, she gives small but significant suggestions on how you, the reader and individual, can contribute to lengthening the planet’s life. After all, don’t we owe it to future generations of the Earth to take care of it as best we can? Jahren explains how the world’s population expanded, and with it, our society. Now, in 2020, we are consuming, eating, drinking, and working more than ever before. But the majority of us aren’t happy, and Hope Jahren asks the question that everyone else seems to be ignoring: Why, in our culture of more, more, more, are we so unhappy? I really enjoyed this book, though it was very sobering, sometimes even frightening. But it is absolutely necessary reading. Even things as small as not eating meat every day could help the planet, just a little! Normally, nonfiction can be very dry for me, but that wasn’t the case with this surprising little book. I devoured it in less than two days, and honestly, I came out the other side of it hopeful and excited, eager to do my part for this planet and so much that it gives us. The bottom line: Informative, sobering and surprisingly hopeful, I loved The Story of More! Next on deck: Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid!


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