Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck Review

Title: Tiger's Curse
Author: Colleen Houck
Age Group: Teen/Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Series: The Tiger Saga, book one
Star Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
The bottom line: This book was just okay, but the protagonist kind of ruined it for me.

Kelsey Hayes is just out of high school and is looking for a summer job. Because of this, she ends up at a circus, and meets a white tiger named Ren. Soon, though, she is sent on a trip to India to break a centuries old curse, and falls in love, all the while battling ancient forces of evil.

What I enjoyed:
-Ren and his brother, Kishan
-Mr. Kadam
-The Indian roots of the mythology of the series
-The way tigers were implemented in the foundation of it all
-Durga and the other stories of Indian gods
-the romance
-the pacing--It flew!

What I didn't enjoy:
-Kelsey, the main character. One minute she was laughing and the next she was crying and it just bothered me for some reason, and actually bugged me so much that I couldn't concentrate on much else.

If you guys enjoy books about magic and secrets, pick up Tiger's Curse. I will be reading the rest, just to see if the series gets better. Next on deck: Illuminate by Aimee Agresti!


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