The Rose Society by Marie Lu Review

Title: The Rose Society
Author: Marie Lu
Age Group: Teen/Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Series: The Young Elites, book two
Star Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars

I borrowed this book from my local library and reviewed it.

Oh my God. Oh my God. How am I supposed to go on?

This book was amazing. I loved The Young Elites, which also happened to be my very first book by Marie Lu, and I honestly thought I couldn't get any better. I thought, There's no way that that can be topped. No way. I was wrong. So, so wrong. How do I put into words just how amazing this book is? I'm always afraid when I read a sequel, because I worry that after all the hype, after all that time I waited for it, would be let down by the explosive momentum of the first book, for the series to fizzle.

I'm so happy to say that this book did more than fair justice to The Young Elites. The White Rose begins a mere three weeks after the first novel, with Adelina fleeing from The Daggers and setting off to create her own society of Elites to do her bidding--and begins to plot her revenge. I don't want to say too much about the plot--this book is just too good to be spoiled. It is a book, and series, that deserves to be savored, with all its twists and turns and thrills.

The pacing of this book was breakneck--it took me a little while to wade back into the series, as I'd had it for a while, but when I was fully immersed, it completely took off--I was gasping for breath as I read, frantically turning pages to discover the fate of Adelina and all the other characters. If you're a fan of action-packed fantasies, this book is for you. This book is also for you if you love political intrigue, and plots driven by multiple points of view.

The characters, both familiar and brand new, were part of the reason I loved this book. If I love the characters--actually, if the characters provoke anything in me, not just love--I'm sold on a series completely. It was absolutely fantastic, and Adelina's character development was rich and exciting. I hung onto every page with bated breath, eager to see the book to his conclusion.

The world-building of this series is also very exciting--it was explained and doled out in a way that felt really organic to the narrative. (Can I just have a separate book full of this world's folklore, Marie Lu? Pretty please?! I'm dying here.) In short, I just can't wait for the third book. Can it just be 2016 already? I need to know what happens! Next on deck: Almost Famous Women by Megan Mayhew Bergman!


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