The Graces by Laure Eve Review

Title: The Graces
Author: Laure Eve
Age Group: Teen/Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Series: The Graces, book one
Star Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

I borrowed this book through my local library and reviewed it.

I'll be honest. This book did not come as a recommendation, I hadn't heard about it previously. I was browsing through the stacks and the bright red cover caught my eye, from all the way across the room. I was even more intrigued by the plot, by the Graces and River, the young woman who desperately wants to find a niche inside of their family. I brought it home, and when I started it, I couldn't stop; I was completely and utterly spellbound. The prose was gorgeous, hypnotic. The pacing was subtly breakneck, and I really loved the characters, especially River, but it was almost against my will, as if the powerful, magical, mysterious Graces had cast a spell on me as well...

The Graces. Everyone's heard of them, and some people say that they like to dabble in dark magic. River, a lonely girl who longs for friendship, is drawn to them, specifically the youngest sister, Summer. When River becomes friends with Summer, as well as her siblings, Thalia and Fenrin, she begins to feel like she finally belongs somewhere. But it will take more than black magic to become a Grace, and they aren't the only ones with secrets...

Like I said, this book was just so much fun. Laure Eve is a British author, and this book marks her debut in the United States. I'm so happy that this book is a series, because after that ending, there was simply no way for me to be okay otherwise. It wasn't perfect, but it was pretty darn close. I love books about witches, but this book took the trope and turned it on its head, for a new interpretation. The ending was surprising and exciting, and I definitely have more of a wanderlust for England now. At times, though, it seemed a little hard to follow, and River's narrative was a little harder to dig into, especially as the novel went on. Nonetheless, I'm looking forward to the next book in this magical, beautifully written series! The bottom line: Laure Eve's first U.S. debut, The Graces has all the magic its main characters are known for, and despite some little flaws, I can't wait for the sequel! Next on deck: The Secret of a Heart Note by Stacey Lee!


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