A City of Saints and Thieves by Natalie C. Anderson Review

Title: City of Saints and Thieves
Author: Natalie C. Anderson
Age Group: Teen/Young Adult
Genre: Adventure/Thriller
Series: Standalone
Star Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars

I borrowed this book through my local library and reviewed it.

I found this book at one of the libraries that I frequent; it was standing on a display, its cover glimmering like a garnet-colored jewel. And with that gorgeous picture of a knowing girl staring out at me, I knew I just had to bring it home and discover what it was that lingered in the book's pages. (I know, I know, this wasn't a recommendation, but an impulse find. Yay! Gotta break routine every now and then, right?) What I discovered was a hard-hitting, ripped straight from the headlines novel that combines Ocean's Eleven and Blood Diamond. I also loved that the main character was African--diverse main characters, especially young women, for the win! This book was amazing, a high-octane thriller that leads the reader across the globe and into the deep reaches of cyberspace.

Christina is a thief, a person who blends in with the shadows, a woman who fights fiercely for herself and those she loves. But her ultimate motive is revenge against the man she believes murders her mother. Her journey for retribution leads her far across the globe and into the dark, deep reaches of cyberspace, desperate for answers. Forced to take a former friend as an ally, Tiny Girl must decide if she is willing to pay the ultimate price for vengeance, or if there is more to the story than even she realizes...

This book was amazing. Easily one of my favorite books of 2017. I loved pretty much everything about it. What a sizzling, eye-opening debut Anderson has penned! The premise of this book was something that was ripped straight from the news headlines and spun into a surprisingly tender, brutal debut novel that explores the horrors of war and the meaning of family. But what really won me over was not even the gorgeous, dangerous setting, from African cities to the dark depths of the bush, it was Tiny Girl, and her resilience, her sheer determination to find out what happened to her mother, though the path is fraught with peril. The pacing was breakneck, and soon I was absorbed, turning pages, desperate to make it to the end. I also really enjoyed the supporting cast of the book, especially Michael. (And the romantic tension between he and Tina! UGH, just kill me!)

The twists and turns were incredible, and that's coming from someone who guesses the ending of most mysteries and thrillers she reads. I can't wait to see what Anderson has in store next! I was really impressed with the depth of the research that went into forming the story. The bottom line: A heart-pounding thriller that combines Ocean's Eleven and Blood Diamond, City of Saints and Thieves is a fantastic debut, featuring lush prose and a diverse, strong female main character of color! I can't wait for what Anderson has in store next! Next on deck: Grace and the Fever by Zan Romanoff!


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