The Cage by Megan Shepherd Review

Title: The Cage
Author: Megan Shepherd
Age Group: Teen/Young Adult
Genre: Science Fiction
Series: The Cage, book one
Star Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars

I borrowed this book from my local library and reviewed it.

Megan Shepherd, you've done it again. I loved The Madman's Daughter, and I almost love your sophomore novel more. Wow, just wow.. After reading this book, this was my reaction:

All I can do for a moment is just sit here, in shock. This book. This book was amazing! Probably one of my favorite books--ever. And I'm not just saying that. I'm a junkie, for all sorts of stories, but the beauty about ones with aliens is that it can be interpreted in many different ways, despite their recent spike in popularity. Where do I begin with this book?

Well, first of all, I'll explain the concept in the best terms I can: What do you get when you mix in a zoo on a distant planet, several distrustful teens, aliens, and forbidden love? You get something close to The Cage. It was a wonderful novel, full of Shepherd's signature twists and turns, as well as a very hot love triangle, along with excellent world-building and, for good measure, some serious Lord of the Flies elements. The result is explosive, terrifying, and most of all, a portrait of what humanity really is.

This book scared the crap out of me. Scared me to death in the best kind of way. I love it when a novel makes me feel something, as well as a story that opens my eyes and makes me think. For me, that is the best kind of tale. This book will remain in my heart and head forever. I'm still in shock.

And the ending! That ending! But, as usual, I'm all over the place, so let me go back and explain. Cora, Lucky, Leon, Mali, Nok, and Rolf all wake up on a distant planet, in an environment that, at first glance, looks like paradise. But, as the stress escalates, and their captors, the Kindred, begin to explain why they were brought there, everyone turns on each other. (So. Creepy!)

And that's not even counting the scorching, forbidden love affair budding between Cora, the main character, and Cassian, a Kindred who clearly has secrets of his own, despite his growing attraction to her. God, that part of the book was so raw and heartbreaking. (My poor heart!)

I know this sounds cliche, but I just loved this book, everything about it. Megan Shepherd has definitely improved from her first novel, and there had better be a sequel! (Hopefully I don't have to wait too long!) The bottom line: A survivalist story, a love story, aliens, a cage--this book genre-bounces in the best kind of way--I loved The Cage and can't wait for more from this promising series! Next on deck: Slasher Girls and Monster Boys by April Genevieve Tucholke!


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