Defiance by Lili St. Crow Review

Title: Defiance
Author: Lili St. Crow
Age Group: Teen/Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Series: Strange Angels, book four
Star Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
The bottom line: The second to last book in the Strange Angels series, Defiance was definitely my least favorite book in the whole series so far--with Dru constantly whining or fighting with someone, Graves and Christophe facing off or disappearing, I felt disappointed and I really hope that Reckoning is better.

Dru Anderson is back again--recovering from being shot by Anna, as well as trying to gain a grip on her svetocha powers, and trying to figure out her tangled feelings for both Christophe and Graves. Keep in mind, she's going crazy from being practically locked up in the Schola, and she's now the new head of the Order. Well, honestly, Dru is done taking orders--everywhere she turns she's being led in the wrong direction, and she's being kept in the dark about everything. Deciding to go it alone, though, could be a huge mistake...

What I enjoyed:
-The way Christophe and Dru's relationship was expanded upon--partly, the sexual tension between him and Dru
-The Schola
-Dru's mother's origins being expanded upon
-The constant action
-The expansion of the love triangle
-The ending

What I didn't enjoy:
-Dru kept getting on my nerves, she was always whining and it made me angry
-Christophe's constant lies
-Graves not being around for most of the book
-The way Dru was constantly having to fight for information
-Anna's guard
-Anna's end

I really feel like, as almost the end of the series, Defiance could've been a lot better--my expectations were high and I was sorely disappointed. I'm really hoping hanging on for the ride with Dru is worth it. Next on deck: Reckoning by Lili St. Crow!


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