The Ogress and The Orphans by Kelly Barnhill Review
Title: The Ogress and The Orphans Author: Kelly Barnhill Age Group: Middle Grade Genre: Fantasy Series: Standalone Star Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars I borrowed this book from my local library and reviewed it. Kelly Barnhill is one of my favorite authors; I adored her short stories and one of her adult novels, When Women Were Dragons. I was browsing through the children’s section of my local library a few months ago, and I spotted this title. I was enchanted by the cover, but when I read the synopsis, I was totally sold. I just finished it the other night and I can’t stop thinking about it. A tender and wry fairy tale, The Ogress and the Orphan isn’t just a story for children; this should be required reading for everyone! This didn’t feel like just one story, it felt like several wrapped up within one another. I was enchanted from the first few lines. This is definitely my favorite Barnhill book and one of my favorite books of 2024! The town of Stone-in-the-Glen used to be lovel...