Article 5 by Kristen Simmons Review

Title: Article 5
Author: Kristen Simmons
Age Group: Teen/Young Adult
Genre: Dystopian Fiction
Series: Article 5, book one
Star Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
The bottom line: Chilling, romantic, and action-packed, Article 5 had me absolutely riveted--I read it in half a day and I loved it!

Ember Miller is in big trouble: The FBR has come to arrest her mother for violation of Article 5: All persons conceived under wedlock are not valid citizens. Ember lives in a world where the former United States is gone, and the government has abolished the Bill of Rights--leaving only the Moral Statutes. Ember's all about blending into the background and not causing trouble, but she's arrested too. To add insult to injury, one of the arresting officers is Chase Jennings, Ember's childhood sweetheart. The two are led across the country in a race against time--all the while trying to fight powerful feelings long buried.

What I enjoyed:
-Ember's tense narration of the novel
-The pacing--I couldn't put it down, even when I was sickened in spots
-Ember and Chase's evolving relationship throughout
-Ember's flashbacks
-The chilling world that Ember lives in, so lifelike and not too far off, it seems
-Sean and Rebecca
-Ember's mother

What I didn't enjoy:
-The terrifying reform school Ember goes to when arrested
-Many people Ember and Chase meet along the way

I loved Article 5--it was amazing and worth every moment! Next on deck: Life After Theft by Aprilynne Pike!


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